Gynaecologist's consultation in Femeda
High quality gynaecological services from treating symptoms to planning and monitoring your pregnancy. Specialist examinations available.
Find your trusted gynaecologist
Gynaecologists specialise in the female reproductive system. Regular appointments with your gynaecologist are an essential part of a healthy life. We take pride in treating our patients in an atmosphere of empathy and trust. Many of our patients return year after year, having found their consultant of choice at Femeda.
Our gynaecologists
All our gynaecologists are specialists in their field, and some have completed additional training in gynaecological subspecialties (endocrinology, perinatology, gynaecologic oncology, or urogynaecology).
Femeda offers a diverse range of gynaecological services, from treating symptoms and illnesses to maternity care, and from contraception advice to hormone replacement therapy.
Book an appointment
Book an appointment online
or call us at 09 7510 1000
Femeda gynaecologists

D.Med.Sc., Specialist, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Specialist, subspecialty in Gynaecological Oncology

LT, dosentti, Naistentautien ja synnytysten erikoislääkäri, lisääntymislääketieteen lisäkoulutus, seksuaalineuvoja