A wide variety of healthcare services under one roof
Femeda has been looking after women’s health for over 25 years. This experience has brought us wide-ranging expertise, coupled with reliability and confidence in our services and examinations. We offer consultations not only with gynaecologists but also with psychiatrists, psychotherapists, physiotherapist, nutritional therapists and more. Our consultations are complemented by laboratory tests, mammography and ultrasound examinations. Three generations of returning patients are the best proof of our exceptional quality of service.
Gynaecologist's consultation
High quality gynaecological services from treating symptoms to planning and monitoring your pregnancy. Specialist examinations available.
Remote reception
Especially during this coronavirus, you should take advantage of the services of our remote reception.
Specialist in internal medicin
Gynekologiemme osaaminen kattaa naisen elinkaaren kaikki haasteet: ehkäisyn, gynekologiset oireet ja sairaudet, hormonihoidot, raskauden suunnittelun ja seurannan.
Diagnoses of anxiety and depression symptoms and advice on further treatment.
Maternity care
Support, information and expertise to accompany you on the most important journey of your life, from pregnancy to post-delivery.
Mammography, breast ultrasound and palpation provide an accurate and reliable account of the breast tissue and its potential abnormalities.
Ultrasound and screening tests
Precise information about the health of your unborn baby at different stages of its development. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis and ultrasound examinations.
Prenatal and postnatal therapy
Psychotherapeutic support during pregnancy and after giving birth. Addressing concerns about the pregnancy or the well-being of the mother or baby, as well as maternal depression, anxiety and fears.
Ultrasound examinations
All Femeda gynaecologists perform routine ultrasound examinations. In addition to this, our clinic offers more complex ultrasound examinations using a 4D ultrasound machine.
Bone density scan
Bone density scanning, also called Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), provides reliable information about low bone density and the risk of developing fractures.
Our laboratory is at your service from Monday to Friday. Except for tolerance tests, no appointment is necessary.
Nutritional therapy
Expert information about holistic well-being at every age, with solutions tailored to patients’ needs.
Discussing psychological problems and life’s changes and crises with a psychotherapist.
Sexual therapy
Dealing with sexuality-related questions or problems with a sex therapist.